Popular Culture

Popular Culture: weavings of resistance in the manifestation of Coco de roda





In the context of cultural studies, this article aims to discuss the concept of Popular Culture, focusing on the popular manifestation of "Coco de Roda" in Igarassu, from a sociological perspective that views popular culture as resistant to market forces and dominant power structures. Theoretical framework views culture as a system of symbols (Geertz, 1978) constructed through the process of socialization, encompassing customs, habits, codes, and beliefs learned by individuals through their integration into society (Laraia, 2020). To understand culture, it must be viewed as a social and material process, where economic issues are inseparable from culture, forming an indissociable whole. From this perspective, culture is closely linked to social conflicts, political issues, and the entire framework of power relations in societies (Canclini, 1983; Williams, 2011). Popular culture refers to the traditions, customs, practices, and memories of the lower classes (Bosi, 2000), where conflicts prevail and a threshold is established between agency and structure. Thus, popular is understood culture as resilient and capable of resisting and constructing counter-hegemonic alternatives (Gramsci, 1995; Thompson, 1998). Methodologically, we employed qualitative methods (Minayo, 2001) to investigate the symbolic aspects related to the experience of this manifestation. Data collection techniques included direct participant observation and semi-structured interviews with practitioners of "Coco de Roda" in Igarassu. As data analysis methods, we employed critical perspective (Guareschi, 2014) and content analysis (Bardin, 1997). this research suggests that these popular manifestations have resisted and contributed to the formation of participatory, supportive, and counter-hegemonic agencies. Therefore, the social impact of this study lies in unveiling these realities, promoting visibility for the theme, and strengthening the development of other works and public policies that value popular culture as part of the development of a humane, integrated, and diverse society.

Keywords: Culture. Popular Culture.Resistance.



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Author Biographies

Natasha Hevelyn Oliveira da Silva, UFPE

Master's student in the Graduate Program in Sociology at UFPE, specializing in the research line: Political Culture, Collective Identities, and Social Representations. Graduated with Academic Laureate in Bachelor of Social Sciences from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE). She was a scholarship holder of the Tutorial Education Program (PET - Connections of Knowledge) - PET Popular Communities and Public Policies Group, between 2020.2 and 2023.1, a program financed by the National Fund for the Development of Education (FNDE). She was a scholarship holder of the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships (PIBIC), between 2022 and 2023. She was a monitor for the Introduction to Sociology course, between 2022.1 and 2022.2. She was a scholarship holder of the Academic Incentive Scholarship Program BIA-FACEPE-UFRPE, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Fábio Bezerra de Andrade, between 2019 and 2020. She volunteered for the extension project "Culture, citizenship, and environmental education for children and adolescents in Igarassu/PE", coordinated by Prof. Dr. João Morais de Sousa, in 2019. She volunteered for the extension project "Culture, citizenship, heritage, and environmental education for children in Igarassu", coordinated by Prof. Dr. Alexandro Tenório, in 2020. She volunteered for the Extension Project: Culture, citizenship, heritage, and environmental education for teenagers and young people in the North Metropolitan Region of Recife, under the 2021 BEXT call. She is the creator and manager of the Instagram profile "O Eco das Bruxas", focusing on gender relations in the context of literary language. She participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad at Harvard University, representing the state of Pernambuco and Brazil in the United States (2019.1). She is currently studying Popular Culture, gender and work, and Feminist Epistemologies.

João Morais de Sousa, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE)

He holds a bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Paraíba (1992), a master's degree in Political Science (1995), and a PhD in Sociology from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2001). He completed postdoctoral studies in Regional Development at the State University of Paraíba (2021). He is a Full Professor/Researcher at the Department of Social Sciences at UFRPE. He served as Director of the Department of Social Sciences at UFRPE from 2011 to 2015. He was the Coordinator of Continuing Education at the Pro-Rectory of Extension at UFRPE from 2007 to 2015. He is a member of the Igarassu Academy of Culture and Letters, serving as its president from 2013 to May 2017. Currently, he is the President of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Igarassu. He served as Secretary of Tourism and Culture of Igarassu/PE from 2015 to 2016. He is a member of the Municipal Council of Cultural Policies of Igarassu/PE, elected by civil society in 2021, representing the Historical, Cultural, and Artistic Heritage segment. He has published articles in various scientific journals on patronage and local power, teaching social sciences, sociological theory, leisure and tourism, education and citizenship, as well as books discussing the universe of drought, power relations and work in rural areas, and popular culture. Currently, he is studying the relationships between art, culture, and citizenship; the issue of minorities; education and sustainable development. Since 2009, he has been a member of the Interdisciplinary Group of Studies on Social Representations and Education (GIERSE), and since 2016, he has been part of the Research Group on Teaching of Sciences and Contemporaneity (GECIC). He is the Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Social Sciences at UFRPE.



How to Cite

Silva, N. H. O. da, & Sousa, J. M. de. (2024). Popular Culture: Popular Culture: weavings of resistance in the manifestation of Coco de roda. Ciência & Trópico, 48(2). https://doi.org/10.33148/CETROPv48n2(2024)2284

